There are many factors to consider when installing plank flooring.
Room shape, limited space, traffic patterns, stairs and landings will also effect the direction of flooring.
Shape of Room:
Installing the flooring parallel to the length of the room will make the area feel longer, and thus bigger.
Narrow rooms will also feel wider with the more rows of flooring across the space.
Traffic Areas:
Following the direction of traffic in frequently used areas such as hallways and living spaces will help with the look and durability of the flooring.
Stairs and Landings:
Plank flooring is installed horizontally on the stairs, with a flush mount or overlap stair nosing on the edge.
Landings and foyer should be installed in the same direction for uniformity and a clean look.
Installing flooring in the same direction above stairwells, especially helps with a flush mount nosing installation and is visually more appealing.
Personal Preference:
The direction of plank flooring comes down to your personal preference. Choose the direction that makes the most sense for you.
Layout generally will not effect performance of product, but it can affect the look and feel of the room.
Questions and Advice:
See us at Jenkins – The Flooring People for help navigating these questions in regards to product selection, design, direction, nosings, transitions, and installation!